Wednesday, April 23, 2008


The link above has all sorts of flat templates for all sorts of envelopes, folders and anything like that. They also provide eps files so you can open them in illustrator, print it out and with some cutting and folding you can spit out an envelope.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Clean Up

My mom has been complaining to me about how my stuff is all over the house. I have no idea what she is talking about.

Thursday, April 03, 2008


After a lot of work my website is finally live. Check it out and let me know if something doesn't work. There is something for every link even if its just a coming soon pic.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Favorite Rapper

I dont really like rap music that much at all. But over the fall I found this one rapper named Lupe Fiasco. He hails from Chi-town, just like Kanye, and he is really good. His first cd was up for 3 grammys and his second one will be up for at least 3 more next year. His newest album, "The Cool", is unbelievable. These are two of my favorite songs on the album, which is one of my favorite albums in the past year.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Awesome Architecture

There is this awesome architect/designer named Sami Rintala. Pretty much all of his stuff is really modern/crazy/awesome.

This house is on of my favorites, its called Element House (shower not included).

Here is another one I like. It's called Boxhome. The only thing I wonder about it is where the big screen tv goes.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Wine Bottle Pics

These are some pics that one of my friends and I took about a year ago. We shot them in my room with some boards for the backing and flooring and with 2 lamps and possibly a flash light. Some cropping and possibly a few touches here and there still need to be done. God bless photoshop.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Here is this insanely crappy video that a whole bunch of amazing people did. The list of people that worked on this video include: Si Scott from London, Peter Jaworowski from Poland (Ars Thanea, The Hejz), Justin Maller from Australia, Matt Andrews, Philippe Richardson / Laundry from Los Angeles. If you google any of these people you will see that they do amazing work individually. It just looks like everyone did their own project and stuck it in this video.

Good Music Videos

This video is just like all the type stuff the juniors and a few of us seniors did.

Congrats to Kanye on finding a girl with more curves that I knew was possible.

Words can't describe this.